Step-by-Step Guide

Detailed guides to help you in managing payroll and using system

RHB Reflex Userguide

Automate your payroll & statutory transactions via RHB Reflex. Learn more from here.

How to register and use Assist Perkeso Portal?

Don't worry about Perkeso new portal, here we provide a complete guide related to Assist Perkeso Portal.

Why do I see ‘Employee Not Eligible for SIP’ when I'm paying EIS?

"Employee not eligible for SIP" - what you might have missed.

Maybank2E - FAQ1

Maybank2E - FAQ related information.

How to register Foreigner to SOCSO?

Guideline to register Foreign workers with SOCSO.

Note to CIMB Biz Channel Users

CIMB Biz Channel user? Check this out.

How to pay SOCSO / Perkeso online?

Guideline to pay SOCSO online.

How to pay EIS (Employment Insurance Scheme) online?

Guideline to pay EIS online.

How do I export Payroll to Xero? Payroll versus Xero.

Can I use Excel to import into the Payroll instead of editing every person?

Excel import Payroll.