How to get EA/E form done?
Hope you had a good holiday last CNY. Now it’s an interesting time – to prepare the EA and E form submission.
It’s not difficult though, most are similar to last year, except the LHDN portal UI has changed a bit. Let us go through it with you step by step. [Updated as of Feb 2023]
- Firstly, you need to get everyone’s aggregated 2022 payroll data correct. In, the system captures the data for form E/EA via 2 places: firstly, the payroll summary you “confirm” every month; and secondly, the payroll->import page that you put in aggregated numbers for your employee PRIOR TO using
For example, If you start using in Nov 2022, so you have Nov-Dec 2022 in the payroll. But EA form should cover your staff compensation from Jan to Oct 2022. You fill in the aggregated amount of those in Payroll->Import. If you are using before 2022? Ah congratulation –you probably do not need to do the aggregated amount thing at all.

2. So, you double check everyone’s 2022 EA form. If they all have no problem, then your form E should be correct too. (hence "slightly faster way" some people do is opposite, to check the E form page and verify things are ok in a bird eye view, then spot check a couple of EA form.). If there’s any issues, here’s a specific case study on how you fix it:
There’re 2 months I had an RM1000/month allowance but it was set as taxable. I spoke to my tax consultant and confirms that it should be tax-exempted (make sure your tax consultant gives you some black and white). How do I fix it?
As the amount of netpay and tax has been transacted, you need to be very careful in amending the payroll data. To avoid the mistake, instead of amending the payroll records, you go to payroll->import to make adjustment. i.e. for this person’s 2022 aggregated number, you can minus 2000 in the taxable allowance and add 2000 in the tax-exempted allowance there. Keep an offline record on why are you doing that (especially the tax consultant advisory) – in case if LHDN audits you and you forgot the reason. Now, 2022 EA form number of this person should have the numbers that you’re looking for.

If you’ve done the above correctly, you should have EA/E form numbers correct.
[Note: by 1 Mac, you may skip the next step. eg submit CP8D instead of e-data praisi. ]
- Now go to Payroll->Form E page, download the e-Data Praisi file and unzip it. Use the file start with P to submit. By 25 Feb 2023, you are encouraged by LHDN to submit the E-data Praisi. The website is - we attach a few screenshots here to make your life easier.

After login, you will see the new UI of the LHDN website
Login with one of the director IC will do.
Under ezHasil Services, e-C.P.8D to Submission of Prefill Data to select Upload Prefill Data.
Unzip the file you get from form E page. Upload the txt file start with P.
Then you have the employees generated,
At the bottom, fill up the declaration
Then you got a confirmation for printing. Go ahead and print as pdf and save as record. Please check on LHDN portal again by 1 march.
Side note: It still work after 25 feb but it becomes e-cp8d upload instead of e-data praisi
EA Form
- You may now send EA form to your colleagues, by email or by print out the hardcopy. Do it in Feb so they can have their tax assessment in March.
- allows you to trigger email send to all your staff. If the staff has left the company, you may download the EA form and send to them outside of our system.
Form E (C.P.8D)
- All below are to be updated by 1 March 2023 when LHDN opens their portal for CP8D
- LHDN already opened the actual Form E submission (C.P.8D), it should be very straightforward and work exactly like last year.
- Go to Payroll>Forms>Form E
- Select 2022 as the year, and click "Download CP8D"

Tip: You can copy the data here as shown above to lhdn page, for example number of new joined employee and terminated employee
You will get 2 text files, one starts with "P" & one starts with "M". Use the text file starts with "P", and get ready to upload it into LHDN website.
Important Notes for this year 2023
- If you uploaded the e-data praisi before, and nothing to change, please proceed further.
- If you have not uploaded the e-data praisi, do the e-data praisi / e-CP8D upload (see the screenshots above)
- If you have uploaded the e-data praisi BUT having amendment after that, redo the e-data praisi / e-CP8D upload again (see the screenshots above)
- For 2 & 3, just in case, I also save the upload confirmation receipt and email [email protected] again to ask them to confirm my form E submission is following the latest upload.
This year you might find yourself being directed to a brand new login user interface, login from here.
Login with one of the director IC will do.
Choose e-Form
Choose 2022
Key in your company E number
Select via e-data praisi/e-CP8D
Note that, different from previous year, it does not have the upload feature here now.
If you have not uploaded the e-data praisi, do the e-data praisi / e-CP8D upload (see the e-data praisi screenshots above)
If you have uploaded the e-data praisi BUT having amendment after that, redo the e-data praisi / e-CP8D upload again (see the e-data praisi screenshots above)
Fill up these data. You can get them from the form E page in
Tip: Refer to the data in the E form page in your KT Account, copy and paste here
Click next
Sign it
And save the 3 pdf files with button here as receipt and acknowledgement.
Note that as we submit with e file, so the print cp8d is going to have all zero there, but they also put a note there in the file saying it’s ok.
If there’s error in submission, it could be the data too long that breach the limit of fields. (say employee name too long?). You may open the text file and compare to their format description.
Hope it helps. Look forward to your successful submission to LHDN!
But wait... what if you have made submission then only realized you did a mistake? Ok we got you cover on that too!
Basically there are ways to send in your application of amendments:
Step 1: Prepare an application letter for amendments with supporting documents (the earlier acknowledgement on e-filing submission and amended Form E)
Step 2: Send the Record Management & Tax Information Department (in Malay will be Bahagian Pengurusan Rekod dan Maklumat Percukaian, in short BPRM).
You may send via:
a) By hand/post;
b) email to pindaanE&[email protected]; or
b) email to pindaanE&[email protected] [email protected] ; or
c) email to Public Relations officer of BPRM

We wish you a smooth submission and all the best!